
4 Effective Ways to Ensure Your Doors are Burglarproof

security gates

Though we may prefer not to dwell upon it, burglary and home invasions have become a severe problem in recent years and so the following 4 ideas of effective ways in which to burglarproof your doors could prove invaluable and even save your life.

Make sure it’s solid enough and has a strong lock

Before even considering additional means of protection, the first step is to ensure that your existing structures are sufficiently sound. All too often, following a forced entry, it is found that the task of the criminal has been greatly simplified due to an inadequately structured door. Although they are far cheaper to purchase units with a hollow structure, consisting of veneer sheets backed by hardboard on a simple wooden frame, these are not intended for outdoor use and will provide little or no obstacle to the determined thief.

If, on tapping it, yours should prove to be hollow, it is vitally important to replace it immediately with a solid wood, fibreglass or reinforced metal unit. It is also a good idea to install it so that it opens outwards rather than inwards and is mounted on specially designed security hinges that cannot be tampered with. Naturally if the existing portal is fitted with glass rather than wooden panels, it too should be replaced.

The tougher structure alone will afford very little protection unless it is fitted with locks that are equally substantial. This means taking the additional step of installing a deadbolt lock to augment the one that acts as part of the doorknob. Again quality is important. A good unit will be of solid metal, have no exposed screws and a bolt of at least an inch (2,54 cm).

Secure the Frame

Next of the 4 best ways to burglarproof your external doors is to ensure they are securely seated. No matter how tough they are, if their frames are not well secured, they will prove ineffective. Builder will often tack the frame mouldings in position and so they are easily removed. You can overcome this by substituting screws of at least 3 inches (7,62 cm) in length.

Check who is there before Opening

It’s as important to take precautions against unlawful entry while you and your family are at home, as when you are not. Fitting a simple peephole is part of the solution. These devices are easy to fit and are both highly effective and inexpensive. Just be sure not to compromise on quality. You need a tough unit with a wide viewing angle and a cover to prevent an unwanted caller from using it to spy on the interior of your entrance way.

Finally Add a Security Gate

These retractable devices are designed to be attractive and can actually enhance the appearance of your entrance. They slide smoothly into position and, better quality units are fitted with deadlocks as well as being designed to lock automatically when slammed. In this way they can provide an exceptionally tough barrier against an attempted forced entry. Where there is an enclosed porch area, two units may be employed to provide double the protection.

Sequre manufactures and installs top quality security gates, the most reliable of these 4 ways in which to burglarproof your doors, by far.

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